Pros of Mixed Economy- Lead Market Bangalore Reviews


Lead market Bangalore defines a mixed economy is a system that combines features of both socialism and capitalism. Two examples of a mixed economy are the U.S and France where both private and public sectors co-exist and work towards economic growth. 


The private entities work for the maximization of profit whereas the government sector works for the welfare and benefit of all citizens. It is a blend of both socialist and capitalist economy and countries have adopted such an approach to accelerate the economic growth of countries.


India too is a mixed economy and it has adopted this approach post-independence. The industrial policies implemented in the year 1948 and 1956 have helped the private and the public sector to co-exist. Also with the liberalization of the Indian economy, the opportunities for the expansion and growth of the private sector are enhanced. 


Lead market Bangalore says that after the economic stagnation during the imperial rule, India has adopted policies for economic growth and lay the foundation for technological, scientific and industrial development.


As per lead market Bangalore reviews the mixed economy provides circumstances where the private and the public sector can co-exist at the same time. Under the mixed economy, citizens get complete liberty to choose their occupation and can establish industries and individual businesses. 


However, monopoly is maintained in certain areas like defence, power and banking, and some basic industries. The government can regulate the prices in public interest through the price distribution system.